It's been a rough couple of weeks for this sweet little 2 year old! It all started with a really bad virus which I thought was strep throat. So we went to see the doctor - no strep just a bad painful virus in her throat with really high fevers - no fun. Since I was there I wanted to ask a question I've been wondering about for a long while. Ever since she was born she has had really bad smelling pee (I did mention this to her pediatrician at her 2 weeks or 2 month checkup - he said - pee smells bad - not funny now). Seriously at night walking past her room was just nauseating. Anyway - since she's been potty trained for 4 months I have noticed that her pee is really cloudy. Hmmm - so I brought that up to the doctor and she said well let's check it out. Urine sample that evening - bacteria showed up right away - will send sample to be cultured - so antibiotics started. I won't even get into the horrible time we have with Marissa taking medicine - just know that it is totally horrible and totally ridiculous. Allergy to amoxicillin too. URG. Since she didn't have any symptoms of a UTI (urinary tract infection) - doctor wants to make sure her kidneys are ok. Off to ultra sound at Primary Children's Hospital. Ultra sound of kidneys - shouldn't be hard - right? Marissa did not like it one bit and cried almost the whole time while the technician got all the pictures she needed. Poor kid. Bad news - one kidney is 2 cm larger than the other - what's that mean - we aren't sure but could be scarring from a UTI she's probably had her WHOLE life. Talk about a super hero who must not feel pain - I feel so bad. Anyway - next step - sedation and a VCUG at Primary Children's again. The VCUG is a catheter they insert in her and fill her bladder of with fluid and dye and then they x-ray to watch how it flows from the bladder. So the medicine they give her for the sedation doesn't put her all the way out. Totally out of it but not asleep. We had a heck of a time getting her to take the medicine - we finally had to hold her down while the nurse forced it behind her teeth till she swallowed it. That was the worst of it. Poor girl was so funny to watch. She was so loopy and giggly and then totally mellow. Well JD and I had researched online and knew what was bad and what was not so bad. So as we watched the x-rays we knew it wasn't so good. The doctor was there too and just told us she definitely has reflux of the bladder and it's probably a stage 3 or 4 out of 5. So what that means is that instead of the urine flowing out of the bladder it refluxes back up into the kidneys. Next step - we will go see a urologist at Primary Children July 6. For now she is on a maintenance dose of antibiotics to prevent any more UTIs. Some kids have to be on that low dose of antibiotics for years other times they have to do surgery. So I guess we will see what happens.
So that was on Wednesday the 16th. The next night I was feeding Brielle and Riss was all ready for bed so I said go downstairs and see Daddy. She heads to the stairs and next thing I hear is boom boom boom, and then crying. I'll keep this story short - broken clavical (collar bone)! But let me just say that Marissa really is tough. She has like a 30 degree break but she was using her arm. Certain movements hurt so JD thought it was just a bruise - I am so glad we went to the doctor. All they can do for her is put her in this brace. Not fun. She does have to go get it x-rayed again this Friday to make sure it is healing right since it was such a bad break.
So yeah - it's been a tough few weeks for this cute girl. But you know it isn't slowing her down one bit. I'm so worried about her running around and riding her bike and all the things she does. I'll probably have a nervous breakdown just from worrying!!