July 27, 2010 - Marissa's surgery - bilateral ureteral reimplant for vesicoureteral reflux. Yeah that's a mouthful! We got the call Monday afternoon with our surgery time - hold on to your seats - 2:15 pm. What? Really that just about put me over the edge. My 2 year old is going to have to fast starting Monday night. She can drink clear liquid till 11:15 am and then nothing! I just thought it was going to be horrible but Marissa amazed us once again. She was extremely pleasant and never asked for anything. It was truly a miracle. We got to Grandma Farrell's house to drop off the rest of the family at about 11:30. As JD and I were trying to sneak some lunch without Marissa seeing - Grandma let Riss try on some of her jewelry. What a cutie!

Here we are - ready to leave for the hospital.

Changing into the hospital jammies and being silly! It really helped her that we went to that class that took us through all the steps of what was going to happen on her surgery day.

Smiling pretty with Daddy! She liked our name tags.

Ok - so 2:15 turned into 3 and 3 turned into 3:30. Waiting and waiting - it was horrible. I felt so bad for her - she must have been so thirsty and hungry. But once again - no complaints. We had fun with the bubbles and toys.

Finally the nurse comes with the medication that is supposed to make her really out of it and relaxed. Well she did not get even half of it - she spit it out. Then the surgeon and the anesthesiologist came to talk to us around 4 - Marissa was a little bit relaxed but nothing like she should have been. And then they were ready to take her! So we walked to the say goodbye spot and Riss was clinging to me like nothing else. And then started crying and screaming and asking where we were going. It was HORRIBLE! This was not supposed to happen - she was not supposed to care. So JD pried her hands off my neck and we were both about to cry as the doctor took her. As soon as they turned the corner we didn't hear anything. (He came and told us later that she calmed right down and did great with the gas mask and everything -WHEW!)

About 6:15 they let us know that they were just about done and they would call one parent to go back when she started waking up. So about 7:30 I finally get to go see my baby. It was not a fun sight. Her scar is about 2 inches long. She was breathing really yucky from the breathing tube and it was hard to see her like that. She did down like 4 oz of apple juice in like 3 seconds when she woke up enough. Finally we got to take her up to her room about 8pm. Here we are in her room trying to help her wake up and comfort her.

The first night was horrible for her. She was VERY uncomfortable. Coming out of the anethesia, the breathing tube had made her throat really sore , and the pain from the surgery all complied into one and it stunk. Her epidural catheter they had left in but it just wasn't cutting it. Finally the nurse decided he would give her some morphine - that was about 11pm. So once that kicked in and I felt like she would be relaxed, I left to go sleep at my parents house. JD stayed the night with her.

Sleeping arrangements! I don't think JD slept much at all the two nights he spent at the hospital with her. But I am grateful he took such good care of our girl.

Wednesday morning - she would have good moments but mostly kind of out of it and not feeling well. Some fever and some itch rashes. She scratched up her torso so much - I should have cut her nails before.

The Torres cousins came to visit minus Jade. Riss was so happy to see them. We even attempted to go to the playroom. I think the walk there really wore her out though because when we got there she just wanted to sit and then her stent tube started leaking. But it was nice to have a break and see cousins! Brinley is a pro at all this hospital stuff - she has been battling leukemia for the past 2 years and is almost done with her treatments! Yeah for Brin.

Just not feeling good! Poor sweet Riss.

The whole family visiting. She was so happy to see her brothers and sister. She didn't like it when Brielle started grabbing her tubes!

Grandma and Riss! I am so lucky to have such a great mom and sisters who took such GREAT care of my boys and my baby. That was one of my biggest worries - leaving Brielle but she did wonderfully because of my good family. Big thank you to mom, Becky, and Krista - I would have been a mess without you guys. LOVE YOU!

Such a sweet picture - I had to put it in!

The Carter cousins visiting. Riss slept right through their visit. We were glad they came though!

Chowing down on nachos and gatorade! I loved their room service. She could order anything she wanted. It was wonderful.

She started feeling good Wednesday afternoon, so we headed to the outside play area. It was overcast so it was nice. She got to ride a bunch of different bikes - she loved it.

Going home - Thursday morning! Marissa was so excited to go home. She loaded up all her gifts and said goodbye! She was such a trooper - I was so proud of her.

All smiles!

Things have gone pretty well. Friday we had to go back up to get her stent out. That was NOT FUN. She had bladder spasms the rest of the day - she cried and cried on our drive home and it was just the two of us. I finally pulled over and got back there and just held her. I felt so bad. Now the only pain that really bothers her is when she goes to the bathroom - it still hurts and I hope that will be passing soon. Way to go Marissa - we love you!