Family vacation to Yellowstone National Park. We had a great time spending 5 days together as a family! It was a lot of driving but we hung in there and saw some amazing beauties!
JD - Waterfalls - especially the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone - the Brink of the Falls! Incredible.
Stacy - Seeing the animals - I would get a little bit too excited when ever we spotted some animal. And the Grand Canyon.
Josh - the waterfalls and the animals
Dawson - definitely not the bison - probably the waterfalls
Tanner - the rocks we got to climb on and the waterfalls
Marissa - when she got to get out of her carseat.
Josh spotting a big beetle on Dawson's shirt. Dawson hightailing it through a bumpy and dangerous trail to get to me, screaming the whole way with a look a total terror in his eyes. Dawson freaking out when a bison was right next to the car and daddy opening the door and asking the buffalo if he knew where a gas station was. Tanner climbing up to the see this huge waterfall just a little closer and mommy about having a heart attack - good thing daddy had a hand on him the whole time. Boys plugging noses as we walk through the geyser areas because of the lovely smell there. JD being continually amazed at the cool things we were seeing. Seeing a burned up semi truck on the side of the road one morning (sad - but I have never seen a melted truck before). Marissa just about crawling at the condo. Coyote walking through our picnic area for lunch. Lots of bison - scariest when it came into our dinner picnic spot and got a little bit too close and we jetted to the van. A hawk driving into the water and catching a fish. Seeing some foxes, elks, even a black bear, and an eagle's nest. Getting to see the Rexburg Idaho temple for the first time. (By the way - it was really hard to choose pictures to post - we had over 200 - fun memories!)