She's here! Yippee! We are so excited to have our sweet little angel Brielle here! Here are her stats and a few pictures! Born - Orem Community Hopsital 1:21 pm Weight 10 lbs. 6 oz. Length 21 inches Hair - yes - a light brownish color Cry - a little squeaky but totally adorable
So I went to pick up Tanner at school yesterday. I usually don't get out of the car but since there wasn't really anywhere to wait I parked. As I was waiting for the bell to ring - I noticed a couple of teenagers waiting for a younger sibling. Anyway - they caught my eye. As I was standing there - I see the one girl turn to her friend and say something in her ear. Immediately the friend turns towards me (that's when you know someone is talking about you) and I see her mouth say "oh my gosh she is HUGE!" Wow - if that doesn't make you want to cry. I just about did. Come on baby - get here already!