Thursday, February 17, 2011



Today I am feeling so THANKFUL.
I crawled back in bed this morning after I got Brielle down for a nap and Marissa watching a show. As I was laying there, looking out my window at beautiful Mt. TImpanogas with its snow covered peaks, I was struck with how grateful I am to be alive.
I have a huge amount of things I am grateful for, but for today I just want to mention a few.
  1. My health - physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually feeling good. I have dealt with some low times in my life where I didn't feel like this.
  2. My healthy kids - I have seen some sad things with family and friends and the heartache it brings to have sick kids - I'm so grateful that mine are healthy and happy
  3. My husband -JD- I am so blessed to be his wife. So glad he still loves me and even more than he did 13 years ago. So grateful that he still finds me sexy and hot even though after 5 kids things aren't exactly they way they used to be. :) So grateful for the poem he wrote to me for Valentines Day and the songs he's written for me and our kids!
  4. The Beautiful Earth - I LOVE being outside and enjoying the beauty God has given us. The sunshine this morning after the snow was perfect!
  5. My testimony - it's still growing and developing but I know God loves me and I know His son, Jesus Christ, died for me and I have a great love and need for them in my life.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

That's awesome! Thanks for sharing!