Marissa wasn't too sure about this big, hairy guy!
On Monday night after Thanksgiving, we had FHE and a great lesson on service given by me. Things were going smooth for a Monday and as I was sweeping the floor that night - I thought "things have been pretty calm lately." Then that feeling of dread wondering what was going to happen to break the good happenings! Well as I was calling everyone to come sit down for scriptures and everyone was ignoring me because they were wrapped up in a game of football, Daddy proclaims "You guys know how this always ends - somebody gets hurt." Then about 4 times more of saying stop to the football playing. "One last play" was what we hear and then Dawson takes Josh down backwards and hits his head on the bookshelf. It was one of those where you know it's going to be bad before you even see it. So yep a trip to the ER and 2 staples in the head. You should have seen the look of dread on Dawson's face when the doctor said "Staples are best for this part of the head." WHAT! Priceless! But we all survived even Daddy who was about to blow a gasket when there was an injury after so many times of being asked to stop! And even Tanner who cried because he was so worried about Dawson. Hopefully we have all learned our lesson and will not be playing football in the house any more! YEAH RIGHT!
Your post started out so happy and was given me a warm cozy feeling and then ugh!! That is so horrible. I think I would die to hear staples in my child's head!! Are they like stitches in that they will come out? That is so crazy. I hope he's feeling better.
Oh the trips to the ER! I think we are already at 6 trips between Dalton and Xandry. I am glad all turned out and maybe they will listen the first time now . . . NAAH!
Oh my! I didn't know that happened! Poor kid! At least he'll have a good story to tell :)
And so cute of Tanner to cry because he was so worried.
Wow what a night you family night turned out to be. Don't you just hate when they have to do the staples, especially when they are in the head. Tayler had to have them done in her head too. I think I just about passed out!
Funny how that feeling of dread follows the calm!
I guess you guys had gone a little too long without an ER trip, ugh!
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