Daylight savings started today and boy was it hard to get up. Two nights in a row our ipod home in the living room has gone off at midnight. Last night I think I had just fallen asleep when blasting Rascal Flatts makes my heart stop. As I race out there to turn it off before it wakes all the kids, I wonder how JD sleeps through everything. I still have no idea how it is turning on and why it is playing a song we don't even usually listen to. Kind of freaky actually!
It seems like morning came way to quick - because JD was up and in the shower and it was dark and nothing seemed right. When I asked him if he had breakfast he said no because he was gonna be late for bishopric meeting at 7am. He described this morning as getting up at the buttcrack of dawn - I would agree.
Church is at 11am - seems reasonable that I could get everyone ready by 10:30, I mean I did it when church was at 9am so why is 11am so hard? I was about to pull my hair out this morning. The kids were relatively well behaved but slow. And I was soooo nervous for them because the three boys sang in sacrament meeting today and I had a sharing time to do for primary that I had to put together last minute because our president was sick.
WOW - run on! So we make it to church and Tanner (who must have been nervous for the song) was very wiggly and extra needy at church. Good thing my parents were there to help with Marissa because Tanner needed attention. Marissa did have two almost out of the diaper poops during the one hour of sacrament meeting. The best part of the day comes here when the boys sang their song "A Young Man Prepared." They did so great. Josh sang the first time through alone and then the three of them sang together. It was so sweet. Josh sings right on key and smiles. Dawson was really quiet but the microphone was aimed at him so we could hear him too. Tanner was so cute because he sings all on the same note but he knew all the words. Precious moment!
Sharing time was an event. It seemed that I had too much time in Junior and not enough time in Senior. Interesting how that works. I am sure I bored Junior primary to tears but I tried my best on short notice.
I was wasted by the time we got home. But then Marissa was awake and wanted attention and everyone is hungry. Little snacks - but we have to wait for dinner time. Finally Daddy gets home and we eat at 5pm. Then dishes. Then a walk because its nice outside (can't let a nice day be wasted by not being out in it).
Make milkshakes, read scriptures and books, try to get everyone in bed. Monsters are living in Josh's room so he is still on the couch as I write this. Too scared to be in his room. Can't wait to crawl in the covers and sleep for a couple hours till Marissa wakes up to eat! Love you all!