Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter Fun

This year I wanted to make Easter a little different. I wanted the boys to not think of Easter as eggs and bunnies and candy. So we decided to do the egg hiding fun on Saturday and have Easter Sunday be a bit more reverent and special. We colored eggs Saturday afternoon and then while the boys were downstairs the Easter bunny came and hid all the eggs outside. They had a great time finding all the eggs everywhere and it was a perfect day to be outside.

Easter Sunday was nice. Our daddy got to be home till 9am on a Sunday morning - what a treat. So we had a great breakfast and then the boys wanted to watch the movie about the resurrection. So they watched that and then we got ready and headed to church. Sacrament meeting was great - the talks were well given and the music was awesome. The boys were having a hard time sitting still but we made it through.
After church we got to go to Grandpa and Grandma's house and enjoy being with our family. It was a wonderful day!

Here is the picture where I shocked JD when I put Marissa in the tree with the boys! JD said "this is so out of character for you!" I guess I was feeling a little crazy! She was only in the tree long enough for Dawson to wobble a bit and then I couldn't handle it anymore!


Leuluai's said...

What an adorable family!!

Natalie said...

I'm very impressed that she was in the tree! I saw her on Sunday, and she looked so big.