Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Change is good, right?

It is interesting how one person's choice to move can affect so many people. The young men's president in our ward moved this past week. Of course the bishopric has been contemplating for several weeks on who to make the new young men's president. A couple of weeks ago, JD went to a very long bishopric meeting on a Tuesday night. The bishop felt very strongly that JD was to be the new president of the young men. Bishop Warner said how hard of a decision that was for him because he didn't want to lose JD as his counselor but JD's name as the president wouldn't leave his mind. JD had mixed emotions about it but said that he knew it was right. The confirmation was strong. So as luck would have it I had to keep a secret for 2 weeks - URG! I hate keeping secrets, especially when I WANT to talk about it. But I did good! (Yeah me) So the domino effect took place on Sunday. JD was released and called as well as several other people were released and called to new positions. I was so glad when that day was over - the burden of the secret is gone now! So I am excited to sit with my husband again in sacrament meeting after almost 3 years! I know he will be busy with the young men but I think he will do a great job!


Breanne said...

I am so happy for you that you get your husband back during Sacrament Meeting!! I loved JD's testimony and I know he will do great in the new calling! And way to go keeping a secret, I hate keeping secrets!
Now that he has more time we need to do game nights again!!

Natalie said...

Later that day, I was thinking a lot about JD's calling. I really feel like his being called as the YM President is an answer to a faithful parent's prayer. Our Young Men are struggling, and I think he will be able to do the Lord's work and strengthen them. Both you and JD are such great examples of serving the Lord whenever and wherever he needs you. I really think so much of you.