Tuesday, August 11, 2009

February 22, 2010!

Number 5 will be here around then! We are all very excited!


Sherri H. Hoffman said...

Wow! That a a big batch of Hanks! Congratulations.

Natalie said...

Congratulations Stacy! That is very exciting!

Kelly said...

I'm so excited for you! Hope you're doing well.

Breanne said...

Holy cow!! I can't believe you didn't tell me in person!! Congrats! I'm excited for you!

Schauers Hours said...

WHO HOO! You are awesome.

JD said...

Holy Cow!! What's going on here?!?!

Emily said...

Congratulations on the big news!!! There is nothing in the whole world like a new baby! So glad another lucky one gets to joing your family! How are you feeling?

Emily said...

PS - I LOVED JD's comment!

Eric and Shelene said...

Boy! I think next time...(which is VERY far away) I am going to announce to my hubby via blog..no wait, he can probably tell by how cranky I will be!!! Congrats to you!!! We are so excited for you!