Tuesday, January 19, 2010

He is 6 going on 12!

My baby boy turned six last week. Isn't he a cutie? (By the way - don't EVER call him cute to his face - he doesn't really like that)!

We had a small, fun little party for him on his special day. It's funny how the birthday kid always is the worst behaved at their own parties. I've seen it happen several times but when it happens - it just makes you a little mad. :) Anyway - things turned out nice and he had a good time.
I love Tanner! He is a good kid. It's hard sometimes because he acts SO much older than he really is. So that's why I say he is 6 going on 12. He really does have a preteen attitude sometimes - scary, I know. But I really love him and he is a great helper to me! I hope he has a great year being 6!

And this is just the weird randomness that happens at my house! This is my crazy husband playing with the balloons from Tanner's party. The boys drew faces on them and then JD had the silly idea of putting it in his hoodie! The boys were rolling on the floor laughing. It was fun! I love my silly hubby!

He's such a kid at heart!

1 comment:

Schauers Hours said...

Those are hilarious balloon people.